Tips for Effective Meal Prep

Tips for Effective Meal Prep

How to Avoid the Hassle: Tips on How to Effectively Meal Prep


We certainly have all seen those perfect pictures filled with deliciously prepared meals for the week which make us feel defeated and lost. They are colorful and eloquent and slightly frustrating, leaving you wondering where to even start the prep. Meal prep always looks fantastic and fresh on our social media pages, but it often leads us in the opposite direction in the kitchen. I mean seriously, how do you make star-shaped fruits with such ease? My second thought, which I am sure many of you feel the same; who has the time? Who has the patience? Well, this is unfortunately what we associate meal prepping with. The tips and tricks provided below are ESSENTIAL if you want to enjoy not only the convenience of meal prepping, but the taste and look of it too!

Plan Ahead:


I know it sounds daunting and a tad bit overwhelming; however, meal prepping is essentially meal planning. If you find yourself to not be much of a planner, try not to think of this as something that needs much planning. It will take you roughly 10 minutes, yes 10 minutes to plan out an entire week’s worth of meals! The trick is to make sure you think of your favorite meals or even something you have been craving! Once you answer those questions, make sure to write it all out!

Have Patience:


Meal prepping not only helps to create a routine, it also allows for us to dedicate time for ourselves to truly create the results we all wish to achieve. Don’t stress; this is going to take time and practice to truly get the art of culinary down, but don’t worry, the routine that makes your household happy will fall into place!

While you are prepping, sip on some coffee or tea or any morning drink that gives you joy and try CBD Drops from Jambo Superfoods! Drop up to three drops in your choice of drink and continue to enjoy the morning! These CBD Drops are filled with all-natural ingredients such as Rosemary antioxidant, MCT Oil and Cannabidiol Hemp Oil.

Portion Control:


One of the biggest issues that comes with meal prepping is portion control. Making enough food for the week all at once can certainly be intimidating, but try not to lose focus on the idea being for the week, not the next day. Portion out enough food that will fill you up and leave you happy! Invest in some meal prep containers that have portion sections built in.

Incorporate Convenience:


Incorporating foods that are not only convenient, but delicious is a great way to utilize not only your time, but it will ultimately build enjoyment for meal prep! These meals certainly do not have to be all from scratch! Throw in some pre-made dressings, sauces, frozen veggies etc. to speed up the process! The goal of meal prep is to save you time and energy!

The absolute best cooking oil is from Jambo Superfoods! This CBD Butter Oil is absolutely perfect for sauteing veggies! This CBD Butter Oil leaves your veggies with the perfect taste!

The key is to enjoy the meals you prepare! Take the time for yourself, enjoy your morning coffee while you munch away on that deliciously perfect meal you prepped!   Use code: theboss for 15% off your entire CBD purchase on

Monika Wasserman

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